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Trafficking in Persons Policy

The Ateneo School of Government, its subawardees, or contractors, at any tier, or their employees, labor recruiters,  brokers or other agents, does not engage in:  


  1. Trafficking in persons (as defined in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime)  during the period of this award;  

  2. Procurement of a commercial sex act during the period of this award;

  3. Use of forced labor in the performance of this award;  

  4. Acts that directly support or advance trafficking in persons, including the following acts:

    • Destroying, concealing, confiscating, or otherwise denying an employee access to that employee's identity or immigration documents;

    • Failing to provide return transportation or pay for return transportation costs to an employee from a country outside the  United States to the country from which the employee was recruited  upon the end of employment if requested by the employee, unless:

      • exempted from the requirement to provide or pay for such  return transportation by USAID under this award; or

      • the employee is a victim of human trafficking seeking victim services or legal redress in the country of employment or a witness in a human trafficking enforcement action;

    • Soliciting a person for the purpose of employment, or offering  employment, by means of materially false or fraudulent pretenses,  representations, or promises regarding that employment;

    • Charging employees recruitment fees; or 

    • Providing or arranging a housing that fails to meet the host country housing and safety standards


For purposes of this provision, “employee” means an individual who is engaged in the  performance of this award as a direct employee, consultant, or volunteer of the recipient or any subrecipient.  


In the event of a violation, ASOG is authorized to terminate the contract of the employee.  


For concerns, complaints, or any credible information regarding a violation with regards to trafficking activities under the project, please do not hesitate to report to:

Ms. Venus Vinluan, ASOG HR Coordinator at; or contact the Global Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-844-888-FREE or email them at


Inclusive Democracy is a research program that features a collection of cutting-edge research that promotes evidence on how the political landscape is linked to socio-economic outcomes, and foster efforts to advance political and economic reforms.


Pacific Ortiz Hall, Fr. Arrupe Road, Social Development Complex
Katipunan Ave., Loyola Heights, Diliman, Quezon City 1108 Philippines


(632) 8426-6001 local 4639​ | Fax: (632) 8426-5997


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